Customize WRD Error Messages

Uniface provides a set of WRD error messages, which you can customize to your liking.

To modify the WRD error messages:

  1. Locate the appropriate HTML file:


    • WebAppDirectory—physical directory corresponding to the Web application’s virtual directory, for example UnifaceAPSInstallDir\uniface\webapps\uniface\WEB-INF
    • Language—two-letter code specifying the national language of your errors, for example, en for English, and nl for Dutch.
    • G—one-digit number indicating the group number of the error. Allowed values are:
      • 0 (General)
      • 1 (Server Extension)
      • 2 (Core)
      • 3 (Middleware)
      • 4 (Request)
    • SS—sequential two-digit number, starting at 00. This, along with the group number, indicates the actual error.

    In the default Tomcat configuration, you can find English error files under the directory:


  2. Modify the error text as required, in keeping with the rest of your web site.

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