Displaying Errors in Dynamic Server Pages

Field syntax and validation errors can be displayed in dynamic server pages by inserting a bound error element in the layout.

When a syntax error occurs in a field that is rendered as an HTML 5 control, a red border is displayed around the field, but no error message is shown. To display an error message for a field:

  1. In the HTML layout of the component, insert an HTML element such as span (or label or div) where you want the error message to be displayed.
  2. Bind this element to the the data field by adding an id attribute in the format : uflderror:FIELD.ENTITY.MODEL. For example,
    <span id="uflderror:ORDERNUM.ORDERS.SALES"/></span>

    For every field with browser-side syntax enabled, you could have three bound elements in the layout, one for the field, one for the field label, and one for the error. For example:

        <label id="ulbl:ORDERNUM.ORDERS.SALES">Label</label>
        <input id="ufld:ORDERNUM.ORDERS.SALES" value="Editbox"/>
        <span id="uflderror:ORDERNUM.ORDERS.SALES"/></span>
  3. To style the error message, you can use CSS to style the -uflderror-in-error- class attribute. For example:

    CSS for error styling

    .-uflderror-in-error- {
    background-color: #DDDDDD; 
    text-color: #555555; 
    visibility: visible;

    Other classes are available for styling the field in error.

When there is an element bound to uflderror in the layout, and a syntax error is encountered, the error message is displayed in the bound element.

For example, in the following illustration Order Number is a Numeric field but the user has entered a character. When the user tabs to the next field, the syntax check is performed and an error displayed:

Bound Syntax Error

Syntax error displayed in bound error element

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