Struct Annotations for Uniface Component Data

When converting between Uniface components and Structs using componentToStruct and structToComponent, you can set and retrieve annotations that provide information about the type of Uniface object and reconnect processing information for occurrences.

The componentToStruct function allows you to configure whether some, all, or none of these tags are generated in the component Struct. The structToComponent command correctly interprets them if they are present.

Annotation Tags for Uniface Component-Struct Conversions
Tag Allowed Values Comments
u_type component | entity | occurrence | field Each node in a component Struct has a u_type annotation that indicates the object type.
For nodes that have the tag u_type="occurrence", the following tags are also supported. These can be used if you are using the Struct to manipulate data prior to a reconnecting the data to its source. For more information, see Metadata for Reconnect.
u_id OccID Uniface-generated occurrence identifier
u_crc CheckSum CRC checksum of the occurrence
u_status est (exists in DB)
mod (modified)
new (new) del (delete)
Modification status of the occurrence.

For more information, see Occurrence Metadata for Reconnect .

Component Tags Struct

      [u_type] = "entity"
        [u_type] = "occurrence"
        [u_id] = "BBJDMDE="
        [u_crc] = "0003C580"
        [u_status] = "est"
      [ID] = "01"
          [u_type] = "field"
      [NAME] = "Name 01"
          [u_type] = "field"

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