trigger Viewport_Resized

Interactive trigger that handles processing whenever the Grid widget (excluding row headers, column headers, and scroll bars) is resized.

trigger Viewport_Resized
  numeric widthPx         : in
  numeric heightPx        : in
  string  columnWidthsPx  : in

; <Your code here>

end; Viewport_Resized
Applies to: Form widgets: egrid (Grid)
Activation: Activated when the Grid widget is resized.
Default behavior: None
Behavior upon completion: None


  • widthPx—width of the grid's viewport in pixels.

    Note:  The viewport is considered to be all the visible content of the grid, excluding the row headers, columns headers, and scroll bar.

  • heightPx—viewport height in pixels excluding the column header, scroll bar.
  • columnWidthsPx—Uniface list of column width pairs, excluding the hidden columns. List items are formatted as follows using GOLD ; as the separator:

    Columnname=Pixels {;Columnname=Pixels}

Using Viewport_Resized

The following ProcScript changes the column width of the second column, based on the viewport width.

Trigger Viewport_Resized
   numeric widthPx         : in 
   numeric heightPx        : in 
   string  columnWidthsPx  : in 
   string col1, col2, name1, name2, colWid, entProp
   numeric width1, width2

   ; first column stays the same width.
   col1 = $itemnr(1, columnWidthsPx)
   name1 = $idpart(col1)
   width1 = $valuepart(col1)

   ; second column fills the rest of the viewport.
   col2 = $itemnr(2, columnWidthsPx)
   name2 = $idpart(col2)
   width2 = widthPx - width1

   ; create the column list.
   putitem/id colWid, name1, "%%width1%%%px"
   putitem/id colWid, name2, "%%width2%%%px"

   ; get current entity properties.
   entProp = $entityproperties(ENT.MODEL)

   ; delete the current columnwidth property.
   delitem/id entProp, "columnwidth"

   ; add the new columnwidth property.
   putitem/id entProp, "columnwidth", colWid

   ; set entity properties.
   $entityproperties(ENT.MODEL) = "%%entProp"

end ; trigger Viewport_Resized

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