
Convert a JSON text to a Struct.

jsonToStruct StructTarget, JsonSource

Example: jsonToStruct vStruct, myjson.txt


Parameter Data Type Description
StructTarget struct or any Variable, parameter, or non-database field to hold the generated Struct
JsonSource string JSON text to parse. It can be a string, variable, or field, or the name of a file containing the JSON text.

The JSON text must begin with an opening bracket ([) or brace ({), optionally preceded by whitespace.

If a file is specified, it must be Unicode-encoded. If this is not the case, use fileload to first read the file into a Uniface variable or field, and then provide it as the JsonDocument parameter.

Return Values

If the conversion was successful, a Struct representing the JSON text is returned in StructTarget (replacing the existing Struct it may have held).

Values returned in $status
Value Meaning
0 Conversion was successful.
<0 Conversion failed. $procerror contains the exact error.

Common Errors

Values Commonly Returned by $procerror after jsonToStruct
Error Number Error Constant Meaning
-4 IOSERR_OPEN_FAILURE The file specified by JsonSource could not be opened
-13 UIOSERR_OS_COMMAND The specified file name specified by JsonDocument is too long.
-1900 JSONERR_NO_CONTENT Failed to load JSON string

Occurs if the contents of the file are empty or if no JSON string is available after stripping leading and trailing whitespace.

-1901 JSONERR_NO_TEXT JSON text does not start with object or array

A JSON text must begin with { or [.

-1902 UJSONERR_PARSER JSON parser returned an error. Additional information is provided by the parser in $procErrorContext.

Non-fatal warnings about conditions that may be errors are returned in the DETAIL sublist of $procReturnContext. For example, JSON text should normally not have members with the same name in one object, but there may be valid reasons for doing this.


Allowed in all component types.

Version Change
9.6.04 Introduced

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