
Calculate the factorial of X (X!).



X—positive integer constant, or a field (or indirect reference to a field), a variable, or a function or expression that can be converted to a positive, whole (integer) number.

The result of $fact must be less than 1 * 10 9999 , which means that X must be positive and less than 3249.

Return Values

Calculated factorial of X.

If an error occurs, $procerror contains a negative value that identifies the exact error.

Values of $procerror Commonly Returned Following $fact
Value  Error constant Meaning
-1204 <UPROCERR_NEGATIVE> Negative value not allowed.
-1206 <UPROCERR_INTEGER> Not an integer.
-1208 <UPROCERR_OVERFLOW> Overflow.


Allowed in all component types.

Using $fact

The following example returns the factorial of 13:

vFactorial = $fact(13)