
Uniface data type containing well-formed XML.

xmlstream  [DTD:DTDName]  ParamName : Direction

xmlstream  VariableName


DTDName—string, component constant, component variable, or global variable that evaluates to the name of the DTD that defines the structure of XML stream. DTDName has the format:


LiteralDTDName is the literal DTD name defined in the application model specified by LiteralModelName.


Use in params and variables blocks to define the data type of a parameter or variable. The data type can also be selected when defining fields, global variables, and component variables.


XML data can be transferred between the xmlstream parameters and the component's external data structure with xmlsave and xmlload. In this case the XML must conform to the Uniface DTD for component data.

The xmlstream data type can also be used when transforming data from and to Structs using xmlToStruct and structToXML.

Public Operation with XML Stream

public operation getAccounts
   xmlStream [dtd:account.olb] x: inout

xmlLoad x, "dtd:account.olb"
retrieve/e "accountSsv.olb"
xmlSave x, "dtd:account.olb"

end; operation getAccounts

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