
Uniface data type that holds binary data.

raw  ParameterName : Direction

raw  VariableName


Use in params and variables blocks to define the data type of a parameter or variable. The data type can be selected when defining fields, global variables, and component variables.


Use the raw data type for fields containing raw data that should not be converted or processed, such as pictures and sound.

raw data is encoded as UTF-8.

No arithmetic operations can be applied to this kind of data.

It is not possible to directly compare two parameters, variables, or fields that use the data type raw or image—they will always evaluate to True. An alternative is to calculate and compare a hash of the data.

Raw data is not supported in Service Stored Procedures (SSP) for most databases. It is supported for SSP only on Sybase.

Comparing raw or image Data

You can calculate a hash of the data and compare the hash instead of the content. The following code checks whether two files are the same.

   string vFile1Name, vFile2Name, vFile1MD5Hash, vFile2MD5Hash
   raw vFile1Raw, vFile2Raw
   numeric vFile1Size, vFile2Size

; Create a hash of 
lfileload/raw vFile1Name, vFile1Raw
vFile1Size = $status
vFile1MD5Hash = $encode("HEX", $encode("MD5", vFile1Raw))

lfileload/raw vFileName2, vFile2Raw
vFile2Size = $status
vFile2MD5Hash = $encode("HEX", $encode("MD5", vFile2Raw))

if (vFile1Size = vFile2Size & vFile1MD5Hash = vFile2MD5Hash)
   message/info "[%%vFile1Name] and [%%vFile2Name] are identical."
   message/error "[%%vFile1Name] and [%%vFile2Name] are different!"

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