
Uniface data type that holds a number with a floating decimal point.

float  ParameterName : Direction

float  VariableName


Use in params and variables blocks to define the data type of a parameter or variable. The data type can be selected when defining fields, global variables, and component variables.


Uniface internally supports a platform-independent precision of 38 digits for the mantissa, plus one for rounding, and four digits for the exponent, as follows:

+/- (99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999e+/- 9999)

When storing data, it depends on the DBMS whether this high precision is supported.

Fields defined as data type float or numeric can accept a scientific notation. For example, you could enter 1.23e-5 in a field with data type float and 123e-5 in a field with data type numeric.

If no display format is specified for a field with data type float, the field syntax length is used when formatting the value.

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