Print Options

Print options provide additional parameters for the operating system print command, or the command specified in Print Queue.

The value of Print Options is appended to the operating system print command or to the command specified in the Print Queue.

When left empty, Uniface uses appropriate defaults for the operating system. Otherwise, the default options are overridden and must be explicitly included.

For valid print command options and other operating system commands and syntax, consult the documentation for your operating system

Windows Only

If Device Type is set to P_MSWIN3 or P_MSWINX, the following options are available as printer options:

  • /nodialog—disables the appearance of the printer dialog, making it impossible for the end user to change printer settings from within Uniface for each print job. Uniface then uses the default system or the last printer used, depending on the DefaultPrinter initialization setting.
  • /noscale—prevents automatic scaling from happening while the component is printed. If not specified, Uniface scales the output automatically when the width of a field is wider than would fit on a printed page.
  • /queue=LogicalPrinter—allows you to specify logical printer queues to which you can print.

    Use the Uniface System Setup form to define and store a logical printer queue, together with printer settings (such as page size, orientation, input tray), in the Microsoft Windows Registry for each user.

    If the Print Queue field contains the value port, the Print Options field should contain the port identification where the printer output has to go, for example, LPT1.

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