
Set the maximum Uniface message buffer, expressed in bytes. Uniface segments the data to be sent into chunks of this size.

USYS$TCP_PARAMS {=} ub {=} MaximumMessageBuffer


MaximumMessageBuffer—size of data segment that Uniface presents to the TCP connector for a single operation. Allowed values are 256 through 8192. The default is 4096 .


Set this option to a consistent value in all assignment files.


If the data to be sent is larger than the message buffer, Uniface segments the data and calls the TCP driver for each segment. You can adjust the size of the message buffer using the ub option.

Consider using a lower value on slow, poor quality connections.

When a connection is made, a negotiation takes place to establish this buffer size, and the lowest value is used. If you want to increase the value, you should set this option consistently in all assignment files. The value can be decreased for an individual client or server in its own assignment file.

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