
Determines the requested queue length, which controls how many concurrent client connection requests can be handled.

usys$tcp_params {=} ql=Number


Number—number of client requests that can be queued. When that queue is full, the client request is rejected and the client has to try again.


Use in the assignment file of the Uniface Router.


The ql option determines the requested queue length for the TCP listen() function, which is used when creating a listening socket.

When a number of client requests arrive at the same time on the same listening port, TCP puts them in a queue and handles them sequentially. When that queue is full, it rejects the client request and the client has to try again.

The queue length determines how many concurrent client connection requests can be handled. By default, the TCP connector uses the maximum queue length specified by the operating system using the macro SOMAXCONN. Platforms used to set this to 5, and you could use the ql option to override this value.

Note:  In recent years, most vendors have increased the maximum queue to thousands, so you should no longer need to use this setting.