
Defines the behavior of the worksheet plug-in component when the worksheet is selected and becomes visible.

operation ws_getsVisible

  ; <... Your code here ...>

end; operation getsVisible			


This operation is called by the IDE after the ws_activate is executed, and when the worksheet is selected after it has previously been started.

The operation is optional.

Note: The operations ws_getsVisible and ws_getsInvisible are fired asynchronously. It therefore is not guaranteed that the ws_getsVisible operation is always fired after the ws_getsInvisible operation when switching between two IDE Editors and user-defined worksheets.


The following operation sends a message to the Messages tab by calling the IDE API operation outputMessage.

operation ws_getsVisible
  activate "IDE_API_1".outputMessage("Worksheet Gets Visible (instance=%%$instancename)")
  if ($procerror != 0)
    putmess "Activate error: %%$procerror%%%, %%$procerrorcontext%%%"
end ; ws_getsVisible