Packing Codes for Numeric Data

The Uniface Numeric and Float data types are associated with many packing codes.

The following tables show the default packing codes for numeric data types, and the complete list of all packing codes for numeric data. Any packing code may be converted to a more optimum storage format by the DBMS connector. For more information, see the relevant connector documentation.

Default Packing Codes for Numeric Data Types
Uniface Data Type Default Packing Code
Float F
Numeric C20


Numeric Packing Codes
Uniface Packing Code Explanation Uniface Data Types Scaling Allowed
Numeric Float
C (C20), C1-C32 Number, stored sign left, right-aligned, decimal point included, to a maximum of 9 decimal places Y Y Y
F F is mapped to a default of C20 Y Y Y
F4 Single precision F-float Y Y Y
F8 Double-precision D-float Y Y Y
G8 VMS private G-format Y Y  
H4 IEEE 4-byte float Y Y Y
H8 IEEE 8-byte float Y Y Y
I(12) Integer Y   Y
I1 1-byte integer Y   Y
I2 2-byte integer Y   Y
I3 3-byte integer Y   Y
I4 4-byte integer Y   Y
I8 8-byte integer Y   Y
I16 16-byte integer Y   Y
M1 Money: 8-byte integer Y   Implicit
M2 Money: double-precision floating point storage Y   Implicit
M4 Sybase internal money data type Y   Implicit
M6 Sybase small money format Y   Implicit
N (N20), N1-N32 Number, stored without decimal point Y   Y
O (O20), O1-O32 Zoned numeric encoding of OpenVMS VAX trailing numeric Y    
P (P4), P1-P8 Packed decimal, +/- at beginning of field Y   Y
Q (Q4), Q1-Q8 Packed decimal, +/- at end of field Y   Y
Y1-Y32 User-defined packing code Y    

Null Values

When data is stored in a DBMS that does not support NULL values, it is not possible to tell the difference between a value of zero and empty (NULL) in numeric fields with packing codes I, F, P, and Q. Record-level DBMSs usually do not support NULL values. If a field with one of these packing codes explicitly receives a value of 0, Uniface displays it as if the field were empty.


If scaling is defined for the packing codes I, F, P, and Q, this is not recognized by the DBMS. The scaling determines a default field layout and how Uniface handles the data. Other software does not understand scaling with data packed in this way unless explicitly programmed to do so.

For example, a field that has been defined as data type Numeric with a packing code of I4.2 (a 4-byte integer with two digits right of the decimal point) could accept a value of 123.45 within Uniface. The data would be displayed as 123.45 but stored as 12345; only Uniface would know where the decimal point should be.

Uniface Precision—data type Numeric

The I, P, and Q packing codes are internally equal to Uniface floating point precision—a platform-independent precision of 38 digits for the mantissa, plus one for rounding, and four digits for the exponent, as follows:

+/- (99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999e+/- 9999)

The N and O packing codes are represented internally as a number of digits, of which the maximum is 32, not 38. Therefore, if you want greater precision than 32 digits, you should select an I, P, or Q packing code. When storing data, it depends on the DBMS whether this high precision is supported.

Uniface Precision—data type Float

For the data type Float, Uniface internally supports a platform-independent precision of 38 digits for the mantissa, plus one for rounding, and four digits for the exponent, as follows:

+/- (99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999e+/- 9999)

When storing data, it depends on the DBMS whether this high precision is supported.

User-Defined Packing Codes

You can define your own packing codes for Numeric fields. To do this, you must define the 3GL format conversion routines required by Uniface.