Script Listings

A script listing is an ASCII file containing a concatenated list of all the compiled script in a component, application shell, menu, or global ProcScript. Separate script listings are generated for script in entity collection and entity occurrence triggers.

The contents of script listings are determined by the listing level, which determines whether precompiler information is included, and the type of messages generated. Using the command line switch /inf adds info, warning, and error messages to the listing, as well as other information, depending on the listing level.

ProcScript listings are automatically generated only if you have configured Uniface to do. You can:

  • Set the $LISTING_LEVEL assignment setting. For more information, see $LISTING_LEVEL.
  • Use the /lis=Level command line switch to generate listings, in combination with /inf to get additional information in the listing. For example, /frm /lis=1 /inf


Script listings are generated in the working directory using the following naming convention:


where XXX is the three-letter abbreviation for the object type. This can be:

  • APS—Application Shell
  • CPT—Component
  • ECI—Entity Collection Interface
  • EOI—Entity Occurrence Interface
  • MEN—menu
  • PRC—Global ProcScript

For menus and Global ProcScript, the ObjectName includes the library and language. For example, UM1_START_MENU@UM_LIB@USA.MENLST.

You can use the [FILES] section of the assignment file to direct these files to another directory. For example, to direct listings to a LST subdirectory:

*.apslst = lst\*.apslst
*.cptlst = lst\*.cptlst
*.menlst = lst\*.menlst
*.prclst = lst\*.prclst

You can use the $ude operations exist, load, and delete to manipulate listings in ProcScript.

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