Row Height (RowHeight)

Height of each row in the Grid widget, in character cells or pixels. Default value is 1 (character cell).

RowHeight="NumberOfCells | NumberOfPixelspx"

Value Description
>= 0 Number of cells; default is 1
>= 0px Number of pixels


The Row Height defines the height of all rows in the Grid widget. To set the row size of the current occurrence, use Current Occurrence Row Size.

If the Row Height property is not set, the height of the rows is determined by the largest font that is used in the row.

If the Row Height property is set, changing the font of the fields in the grid does not change the height of the rows.

End users can use the mouse to make a row higher. When you set the Row Height property you will override that.

Setting Row Height

  • When the row height is specified in cells, the height is based on the Uniface Font 0, as specified by the Font0 setting in the .ini file.

    To specify the row height in cells, you must set an integer for the number of cells. For example:


    Setting the row height to 0 resets the row height to its initial value.

  • When the row height is specified in pixels, the minimum height is the height of a cell in Font 0. If you specify a smaller value, it is ignored.

    To specify the row height in pixels, add px after the value. For example:


    Setting the row height to 0px resets the row height to its initial value.

Tip: You can query the Font 0 cell height in pixels using $cellinfo.

Removing the rowheight property from the property string (as set in the .ini file, or using $entityproperties) resets the height of the rows to the initial height.

Setting the property to an invalid value also resets the row height to the initial value.

Applies to

egrid (Grid)

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