Generate Scripts for Creating Repository Tables

By default, Uniface uses an SQLite database for its Repository, but you may want to use a different DBMS.

To create tables, you need to first generate table creation scripts and then run them in the target DBMS.

  1. In the Uniface assignment file (by default dbms.asn), add the DBMS connector declaration and parameters for your target DBMS.

    For example, to generate tables in a Microsoft SQL database, add MSS settings to the assignment file.

    ;settings used for Uniface Repository:
    SLE     U1.0
    USYS$SLE_PARAMS create db = on, identifiers = quoted
    ;settings used for target application database:
    MSS     U5.2
    USYS$MSS_PARAMS identifiers = quoted, procedures=on

    For more information, see Configuring the Database Connector.

  2. Run the Uniface IDE with the /genSql createtable command line switch, specifying the /meta sub-switch, the meta model entities for which to generate the script, and the target database. For more information, see /genSql.

    For example, the following command generates an SQL file containing create table commands required to create DICT tables in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

    ide.exe /gensql /meta createtable *.dict mss

    If SQL script generation fails, Uniface returns a warning or error. For more information, see SQL Generation Messages.

  3. To create the tables, have the database administrator run the generated SQL command file using the DBMS. For more information, see the connector documentation for your DBMS connector.

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