
Specify whether the connector will use stored procedures to update, insert, delete, and fetch data, or use SQL instead.

USYS$Mnemonic_PARAMS = procedures : on | off

USYS$Mnemonic_PARAMS = procs : on | off


  • on (enabled)—stored procedures are created on the fly at the same time tables are created. Default.
  • off—SQL is used to retrieve all the data


Applies to Mnemonic Connector Syntax
Microsoft SQL connector MSS USYS$MSS_PARAMS
PostgreSQL connector PGS USYS$PGS_PARAMS


Note:  If the automatic field list includes segmented fields (packing codes SC or SU), stored procedures are not used, even if enabled. Instead SQL is used to retrieve all the data except the segmented field data.

Microsoft SQL Server

If you are running Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2008 with this option enabled, a memory leak due to a Microsoft issue can occurr. (Microsoft Knowledge Base 2422010 "FIX: A memory leak occurs when you use SQL Server Native Client 10.5 to run prepared statements in an instance of SQL Server". ) The fix for this issue was first released in the Cumulative Update package 5 for SQL Server 2008 R2. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base 2438347 "Cumulative Update package 5 for SQL Server 2008 R2".