Entity Widgets

In Form and Dynamic Server Page components, you can manipulate the appearance of an entity or occurrence by setting its widget properties, even if there is no entity widget explicitly available.

These components have an implicit, default entity widget that can be used to control the appearance of all occurrences of an entity in a component. Form components also support a Grid widget that can be used instead of the default entity widget.

You can control the runtime values of these entity widget properties in ProcScript using the $EntityProperties and $CurEntProperties.

Note: These functions can only return properties that have been explicitly set, either by a previous ProcScript function, or declaratively in the Properties Inspector. If no properties are explicitly set, the default property values are used and the ProcScript functions return an empty string.

All the properties associated with an object can be changed, up until the time that the component is presented to the user. After this, only changes made to dynamic properties have an effect.

Occurrences inherit widget properties from their parent entity, although $CurEntProperties allows some control in limited circumstances.

Entity Widgets for DSPs

For entities and occurrences, Dynamic Server Page components support the same property set as the AttributesOnly widget.

The entity widget properties can only be set in ProcScript or JavaScript. They can not be set declaratively. For more information, see Entity and Occurrence Properties in Dynamic Server Pages and uniface.Entity.

Entity Widgets in Forms

In Form components, you can choose to use a Grid widget or rely on the default entity representation (that is, the Widget Type property set to none). In both cases, you can set widget properties declaratively or in ProcScript. For more information, see udefentity (Default Entity Widget ) and egrid (Grid).

Note: Unlike field widgets, entity widgets do not support logical widgets. For the Grid and the DefEntity widget, you can set default properties in the initialization file, but in different sections—[widgets] and [entities].

You can use $curoccvideo to manipulate visual properties of the current occurrence in forms.

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