Error: Parent type Type1 is invalid for type Type2

This message is generated when an object from an old character mode application is incorrectly positioned in the layout.


For example, a field that has a component as its parent instead of an entity, or a break frame that has an entity as parent. This is only possible if the component originates from a character mode application (probably developed with Uniface 5.1 or older) and the component has never since been opened and edited with the graphical layout editor.


To fix the issue, open the component in Uniface 9, and modify the layout before migrating the component again.

Sample Messages

Field with Component as Parent
    === MIGRATION ERROR [cpt:MYCPT] ===
        Failed to migrate cpt:MYCPT. Object will be removed from the repository.
          ErrorID: -100001
          Error  : Parent type cpt is invalid for type fld
          Context information:
                [errorId] = "VAL0004"
                [nodeAddress] = "cpt:MYCPT/fld:PK"
      Removed cpt:MYCPT from repository

To correct this issue, you may need to ensure that the field has an entity as parent. If it already does, adjust the dimensions of the parent entity, and save the form before migrating it again.

Break Frame with Entity as Parent
   === MIGRATION ERROR [cpt:MYF1] ===
       Failed to migrate cpt:MYF1. Object will be removed from the repository.
         ErrorID: -100001
         Error  : Parent type ent is invalid for type pbr
         Context information:
               [errorId] = "VAL0004"
               [nodeAddress] = "cpt:MYF1/ent:EE.MM/pbr:BREAK_1.USYS"
     Removed cpt:MYF1 from repository

To correct this issue, drag the frame outside the entity (use Ctrl+Click on the left mouse button and drag) to the correct location in component, and save the form before migrating it again.