
Compile the specified components using the indicated severity level for the compiler message 1000 - #Include IncludeScript not found.

/ilv =  = { 0| 1 | 2}   {Profile}

Used With

This /ilv switch can be used on its own, or as a sub-switch with the following:


  • 0—set the severity to info
  • 1—set the severity to warning (default)
  • 2—set the severity to error
  • Profile—name of the component to compile; wildcards are allowed. If omitted, all objects are compiled.

Use With

ide—Uniface IDE


By default, if Uniface cannot find a specified IncludeScript during compilation, it issues a warning message: (1000 - (Preprocessor) #INCLUDE IncludeName Not Found).

Since missing IncludeScripts can cause unexpected behavior, it can be useful to set the severity to 2 (error), which prevents the component from being compiled.

This switch has the same effect as the assignment setting $INCLUDE_NOT_FOUND_LEVEL. If both are specified, the command line switch takes precedence over the assignment setting.

Using /ilv

For example, the following command compiles all components starting with SA and sets the severity level for #Include not found messages to 2 (error):

/dsp /ilv=2 sa*

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